ABOUT | nonnas-nest
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A little introduction


We are a husband and wife team - Mick and Mandy

Our house is situated in a quiet cul-de-sac surrounded by rich countryside in rural Kent. We have five children although only one of these is at home, the others have flown the nest.

We have a wide range of experience, mainly in bringing up our own children as parents but also through working at the nursery and our local school.

We are both registered with Ofsted as childminders and are members of Pacey. We believe that the mix of husband and wife caring for children is beneficial, as it enhances the children’s experiences and helps to give a rounded out view.

We both love to learn and each have many different hobbies and skills. Mandy is by nature a motherly nurturer and was very popular with children and parents alike in her role as senior nursery nurse at a local nursery and play leader at our daughter’s primary school.

Mick’s hobbies include playing the guitar, drawing, painting, photography and football.

We are always keen to help children develop an inquisitive mind exploring different concepts through play.

We are committed to the principles of the EYFS believing that all children are unique and deserve the opportunity to develop in an environment which stimulates growth and promotes well being.

© 2020 Nonna's  Nest

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